Le Grand-Bornand
27 July 2024, 12 h 26 min

Scattered clouds
Apparent: 23°C
Vent: 1.94 m/s WSW
UV-Index: 6.92
Courte description: 0mm /0%

The Organising Committee have particular attention to people with disabilities.

As our competition site hosts winter sports events, we have accessibility constraints, particularly in the event of snowfall or ice storms. This is why a platform with specific access has been dedicated to to people with disabilities.

An area for people with reduced mobility (PRM) is provided at the edge of the track and around the stadium.

The position will allow you to benefit from a point of view almost identical to the stands.

Due to the accessibility and capacity of the PRM area, ticket requests are processed specifically and independently of the sale of tickets to the general public.
Contact: 04 50 77 82 82