Le Grand-Bornand
27 July 2024, 17 h 41 min

Moderate rain
Apparent: 24°C
Vent: 1.57 m/s NW
UV-Index: 3.6
Courte description: 1.3mm /100% / Rain

The strong link

of the World Cup!

850 volunteers !

Annecy-Le Grand-Bornand is a stadium, athletes, a meticulous organization… and some 850 volunteers, strong links essential to the success of the only French round of the Biathlon World Cup.

They come from the four corners of Haute-Savoie and sometimes even from further afield, and they too inject energy and motivation with one objective: to welcome the biathlon family and share a human and sporting experience through this international event.

2024 Informations

More information to come later.

For any further information, please contact us by email at benevoles@legrandbornand.com.